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One year anniversary

Hello,  just want to tell you that tomorrow's me and the boyfie's 1st anniversary as a couple (16-4-2013). Time passes so fast I didn't even realized we have been together for 1 year and still counting. Haha! Happy times do pass faster huh. I don't really like to talk about our relationship, I feel it's better to keep it to both of us. I love how we are always there for each other. So let's keep this feeling goes on and on. ❤️ 


6 April

一句一句的我爱你说多了,变廉价了 。💔


My birthday

真的很开心我的生命中出现了你 宝贝 ❤️



真的谢谢我的朋友们同事们,认识到你们我三生有幸,我爱你们。那天晚上我真的玩得很开心很感动,你们一人为我唱一首歌,打从心底万分感激 ❤️ 

生日已经结束了,谢谢为我祝福送我礼物的朋友。我爱你们。 :D


Pray for MH370



Pray for MH370 ❤️


1 March 2014

I'm proud to be PenangLang. 😂

We capture on the Penang second bridge. 

We went it on Thursday, it's my gym day how can I neglect my gym then go enjoy? Hahahaa... We went to Hongkong 97 ate our dinner and I met up my cousin at the cafe also! We have been long time no see, miss you lovely cousin. She is the best cousin and treat me the best one. I so appreciate I have this cousin, thanks Gods. My parents are divorced when I'm two years old if I no mistaken, is my grandma my aunt and my cousin they take care of me and feed me growth healthy although they got scolded me because I'm naughty, but I'm still love them very much. I really don't know how to return them this big human lifetime.  ❤️

This is how we crazy in the night on Penang second bridge. 

One of my colleague is birthday on 28 February. Yes, it's last night! We celebrated her birthday at Cameron highland cafe although it's just a cheap food, but we still enjoyed the moments when we all colleague and boss are joined together. She is gonna leave soon because she needs to continue her study in college. Wish you happy birthday and all the best in your whole life. 🎂  




是不是太幸福 , 都会害怕失去 ?
因为不可能会这么好运吧 .

被爱是幸福的 .
能都做自己也是幸福的 .
我觉得我很幸福噢 !
所以我想我应该写下来 , 如果以后不开心 , 就能够回头想想现在 .

首先 , 这首歌让我想到我的死党们 , 谢谢他们的关心和耐心 , 我有很多话没对你们说 , 不过我相信我有一天会有勇气说明 .

点滴的小事累积成幸福 , 也会成为我努力的动力 .
谢谢在我身边照顾的大家 .
我爱你们 , 也要学会照顾你们 .

你一個人失了魂 清晨哭到夜深 不要別人問
我不出聲一直等 聽你說你心疼 當時好傻好天真
如果可以我願意 這樣陪你到永恆

讓我照顧你 面對再大的風雨
像個孩子 躺在我懷裡

讓我照顧你 在這荒蕪世界裡
在明天等著你 然而在你最需要的此刻 請讓我照顧你

總有一天會有人 一個懂你的人 讓你從此不心疼
如果可以我願意 這樣陪你到永恆

讓我照顧你 面對再大的風雨
像個孩子 躺在我懷裡

讓我照顧你 在這荒蕪世界裡
就算有新的劇情 在明天等著你

你看破了虛偽 揭穿愛的假面
後悔曾經為他 付出一切
我會在你身邊 當你傷心欲絕 不奢望你 偶然垂憐

讓我照顧你 面對再大的風雨
像個孩子 躺在我懷裡

讓我照顧你 在這荒蕪世界裡
就算有新的劇情 在明天等著你

27 February

She is a friend who care about me so much. Although we argued many times before but our relationship won't about this small things get destroyed. ❤️

I have been sent this to my lovely dear for happy valentines day. Hello, it's just deposit only ohhh. 😂

This present only is main! I don't care how much the money i wasted, I just want she happy. Happy valentines baobei ❤️ 

Hotel rae. 
We go to KL trip for three days two night, it's how we celebrated our valentines. Yes, we stayed at hotel rae when we go KL. 

This is earlier birthday present from baobei, she know I love it so much. Thanks you and love you. ❤️ 

Birthday present from beloved sister 😘

I've cut my hair. It's look so cute right? Ohhhh! Actually I miss my long hair bangs, but I love it too. Just changed a hair styles not my personality, I'm still YENG 😏

Sorry for neglecting my blog for long time, is because I'm busy about Chinese New Year and I move to new house. Goodbye. 😬